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5 'O' Level subjects passes mathematics and English

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Q: What is the grading scale for Texas High Schools?
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Which is better 7-point grading scale or a 10-point grading scale?

It depends but its a lot easier to get high grades (A's and B's) on a ten point grading scale.

What is the Difference from Texas High Schools to New Yorks High Schools?


How many 4A high schools in Texas?


Is an 83 percent a high or low b?

It all depends on your school districts grading scale. It's a C at my kids' school!

Do schools in killeen Texas where uniforms?

None oF the high schools do. Most middle schools do. Either most or all elementary schools do.

What is the grade if I get one wrong out of 15 questions?

If you get one wrong out of 15 questions, your grade would depend on how the grading scale is set up. If each question is worth the same amount of points, you would have a score of 14/15, which usually translates to a high grade such as an A or A+. However, if the grading scale deducts a fixed amount of points for each incorrect answer, it would depend on the specific grading scale to determine the grade.

Are there high rated schools in Texas?

There are very great schools in Texas Austin College is highly rated and among one of the very popular colleges in Texas. Another is Rice University in Houston, Texas.

What are the major high schools sports in Texas?

Basketball, football, and soccer.

How many high schools are in Dallas Texas?

not exactly sure but 121.

How many 5A High Schools are in San Antonio Texas?


How many 6A high schools in TX?

Actually, a call to the Texas Education Agency revealed that there are 1,721 high school campuses (high schools) in Texas, in which 1,266,505 students were enrolled on May 26, 2010. You can reach the TEA at this number, where they'll do a free database search on the spot with other questions about education in Texas: (512) 463-9734. About 5,327 schools

What grade is a 2.8?

If it's a 4 point scale, then it would be a high "C". Depending on the institutions grading system, it could be either a C+ or B-. Some schools grade on a plus system while others grade on a minus system. Rarely - if at all - do they use both plus and minus.