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Q: What is the german word for glue?
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Can you translate glue stick into German?

Glue Stick is der Klebestiftin German.

What is a good homophone word for glue?

There are no homophones for the word glue.

What is gluestick in German?

English: "The glue stick" is German "Der Klebstift" or "Der Klebestift".

What is the french word for glue?

The French word for glue is "colle."

What is the Swiss word for glue?

There is actually no such language as "Swiss". Switzerland has 4 official languages: 1. German 2. French 3. Italian 4. Romansh

How many phonemes are in the word glue?

The word "glue" has three phonemes: /g/, /l/, /u/.

What is the word glue stick in French?

The word "glue stick" in French is "bâton de colle."

Does glue have a long vowel?

No, the word "glue" does not have a long vowel. The "u" in "glue" makes a short vowel sound.

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word

Is glue have a short or long vowel?

The word "glue" has a long vowel sound.

What glue can you use to glue your german shepherds ears to make them stand up?

I have A German Shepherd And His Ears Stand up my them Selfs...You never want to use Glue or any thing Like that on you Pet......Some German Shepherds Have what is called weak ear where the ear or ears will never stand up Just Live with it.......Or If you are in the need to see them standing Call a Vet......

What is the British word for the American word glue?

Surprisingly enough 'Glue' is NOT an American word. It originates in Middle English, long before there even was American speech. - But the British have no problems with Americans using British words -