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The essay is a difficult thing to catagorize. An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the matter. You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task.

One type of essay is called stream of consciousness, which involves the writer jotting down every thought that goes through their head as fast as they can.

Another is an informative essay. This is where you're aiming to explain, teach, or- for lack of a better word- inform someone about something.

There is also the persuasive essay, which involves attempting to get the reader to see your point of view on a topic.

There are several other types of essays, such as the comparison essay, the analysis essay, or the narrative essay.

However, the essay as a whole varies as to what 'type' of writing it is. It can be non-fiction or fiction. The length of an essay depends on how well you know your topic.

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8y ago

In standard composition, an essay consists of three basic parts. The first is an introductory paragraph, which clearly lays out the essay's theme or argument, along with the main points it will make. The body is the next part: it consists of the main points of the essay. The conclusion is the third part, which recapitulates the points that have been made, discusses the significance of those points, and perhaps points to next-steps or additional studies that may be relevant to the essay's theme or argument.


Note that this is the American essay format.

IB essays are structured differently;

First - a question is introduced, explained, and placed in context. Points to be made are not included in this introductory paragraph(s)

Second - the question is discussed in terms of what is already known

Third - points and arguments are presented

Fourth - the arguments and information are analyzed

Fifth - conclusions are drawn from the arguments and analysis.

The difference in the formats has been known to significantly confuse American students going abroad to study and non-US students coming to the US to study.

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8y ago
  1. Introduction - where you "tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em" and give an overview of what your essay is about
  2. Body of Essay - where you give your statements and either explain each one or back it up with facts or give reasons for your opinions
  3. Conclusion - where you "tell 'em what you told 'em" and give a summary of what your essay was about
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15y ago

to write a paper using punctuations, paragraph's or full sentences, it is like writing a story, it should have a beginning, middle and an end to the story. hope this helps.

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search in google for the topic. Or buy an essay book form amazon.

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Yes! If you have a specific question about form, grammar, spelling, style, etc., you can ask a question about it and it can be answered. You can get different answers for your essay topic and you can choose one for your essay. WikiAnswers will not write the essay for you.

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