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Oliver Twist

In the book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

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Q: What is the fiction character's name which in the story he asked for more?
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Can a novel be a short story?

No, a novel and a short story are two distinct forms of fiction writing. A novel is a longer work of fiction that typically has a more complex plot, multiple characters, and a greater depth of detail, while a short story is a shorter work of fiction that focuses on a single plot or idea with fewer characters and less detail.

Is An Indian father's plea a fiction story?

Without more context, it is difficult to determine if "An Indian father's plea" is a fiction story. It could be fiction or non-fiction depending on the author and content of the story.

What is a brief work of fiction It resembles a novel but has a simpler plot and setting and fewer characters?

Short Story

Are gnomes alive?

Gnomes do not exist. There mythical tales, and children story characters. They appear in video games, non-fiction books and much more. They are Non-fiction, and do not exist.

When you make personal connections to a piece of fiction you what?

When you make personal connections to a piece of fiction, it means that you see elements of your own life, experiences, emotions, or beliefs reflected in the story or characters. This can deepen your understanding of the work and create a more meaningful and emotional connection to it.

Who are the main characters of The Aged Mother?

The Main Characters of the story are:: The Farmer(Youth), Mother, The Governor Main Characters-- Those who have more roles or more important roles in a Story Answered By: The Corrector

What make biography different from historical fiction and realistic fiction?

biography is real , has less details , talk about less characters ,more facts.fictional is not real,more detail,talk about more characters,less facts

Is the story run fiction?

It is unclear from the question what story you are referring to. Can you please provide more context so I can give a more accurate response?

Why could geographic knowledge help someone as a writer?

As far as fiction writing, it gives you more options for places to set your story in, and can add depth to your characters and their conversations. Readers might also feel a connection to the story if they can relate to a certain area or city that's mentioned within the story.

Do people really read fan-fiction?

Lots of people like to read fanfiction. Usually, they don't want the story they love to end, and like to read more about their favorite characters. Sometimes, they don't like the way the author's story went, and want to read alternate story lines.

Why are flat characters included in the story?

Flat characters are often included in a story to serve as a contrast to the more complex, dynamic characters. They can help move the plot along, provide comic relief, or act as a simple foil to the main characters. Additionally, flat characters can help create a more realistic and diverse world within the story.

A fiction book?

Though based on her life, most of the story was fiction.I liked to read non-fiction more than fiction stories.To write fiction, you must make up a story that sounds believable.