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The easiest way to memorize a long piece of writing is just to repeat it over and over. Start reading it out loud - yes, out loud does work better than just reading to yourself! - and after you read it 20 or 30 times (if you're paying attention when you read, that is) you'll know it!

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Q: What is the easiest way to memorize a prologue?
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IT IS USED IN RELIGIOUS AND NON RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES , it is a profession for some people , it is the easiest way to memorize things and it is also a mean of relaxation

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Using a study deck is the best way -- aside from actually getting a job in a pharmacy. See the link to learn how to make a study deck.

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The quickest and easiest way would be to make a Study Deck - click on the Related Question to see how to do that! - and put the county on one side of a card and the seat on the other. If you concentrate, you can memorize them pretty easily.

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The easiest way to improve maths is to learn your tables, after you have mastered your tables you can start by doing algebra sums and rules and start to memorize them.

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the easiest way is to look for roots of the word that connect with English words...for example, audit (to hear) is the root for the English word audio