The Canaanite gods were not perfect, not to mention the didn't actually exist. They fought amongst each other, demanded human sacrifices, and had to be appeased. The Hebrew God, the God of the Bible, is perfect. He is all knowing, all seeing, and all powerful. He is also a loving God, something that none of the Canaanite gods seemed to be. In the Old Testament, sacrifices had to be made to him to cover the sins of the people. This no longer has to be done because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.
at the deepest level nothing is different from religion to religion. all groups worship the same god. that god being that which is eternal, unnameable and unchangeable. that god being the love which lives within each of us, which each of us has sprung forth from, and which each of us will return to when our time here is over.
the difference does not lie in the god itself. the difference has been created by man. man has developed rules and guidelines which govern all religions. these laws and guidelines are not in sync with the all encompassing and completely accepting love which is god. these guidelines provide a scapegoat for follower, a way to separate themselves from others. a way to be right while others are wrong. it gives followers a reason to separate 'our' god from 'your' god. people have concluded that if two different religions have two different sets of rules (rules which have been sent from god and spoken through man) obviously there must be two or more gods from whom these rules have been given.
however there are many who currently entertain the understanding - and many more coming to understand - that perhaps the message has always been the same. perhaps the different interpretations lie only and always within not only the words spoken by those who hear the messages, but also within the interpretations of these words by those hearing the message. as the message is scribed or transferred from person to person, volume to volume, the original message becomes distorted. think of the child's game of telephone. the message in the beginning makes perfect sense, but as it makes it's way around the circle, in one ear and another and another, by the end of the circle the message is often completely different than when it started.
so consider this as a summary.. there are no differences between the gods in any of the major religions. there are, however, differences between those who speak/teach/receive the messages and teachings.
It remains unclear whether the God portrayed in the Pentateuch by the Yahwist was exactly the same God as the one portrayed in the Pentateuch by the Elohist, or whether they were two different Gods who were merged through a gradual process of syncretism. The Yahwist always used 'YHWH' (Yahweh) as the name for an anthropomorphic God with human characteristics. The Elohist, representing the northern Hebrew kingdom of Israel, always used 'Elohim' as the name for a more transcendent God who required obedience and was feared by his people. People could never look at the Elohist's God, so he typically came in dreams or visions, but sometimes in the form of a cloud or a flame.
Some scholars believe that Yahweh was a storm god in very early Hebrew belief, filling much the same role in the Hebrew pantheon as Baal in the Canaanite one. Archaeology has shown that, before the Babylonian Exile, God's female consort was the goddess Asherah, who under different names was also the consort of the important Mesopotamian gods. Thus it is difficult to find many differences between the Hebrew God and the Mesopotamian gods.
The Egyptian religion was unique in that gods could be syncretised to increase the influence for specific reasons or issues. For example, Ra, the sun god, was often combined with Horus, the god embodying power over the earth, to become Ra-Horakhty, "the sun god, the Horus of the horizon". Ra also combined with Amun, "the hidden one", to become Amun-Ra, "lord of the sky, power of the land". In this way, the Hebrew God was entirely different to the Egyptian gods.
As the difference between being belonging to the majority and to the minority. Refer to the related questions below.
The majority of Hebrew speakers are Jewish. But some Hebrew speakers are Christian, Druze, or Muslim.
The main difference is that Malaysia is a Muslim country, and Philippines is a christian country.
The parents of Obafemi (R.I.P.) had different Religions. Muslim and Christian. MArtins had never done a difference between this religions. He terms himself as a cosmopolitan. Also he sure has a big Respect for Islam and has some "muslim" in him, but he is NOT really a muslim.
The parents of Obafemi (R.I.P.) had different Religions. Muslim and Christian. MArtins had never done a difference between this religions. He terms himself as a cosmopolitan. Also he sure has a big Respect for Islam and has some "muslim" in him, but he is NOT really a muslim.
Rachel is traditionally not a Muslim name. It has Hebrew origins and is commonly found in Jewish and Christian communities.
The main difference is that Muslim wife could divorced either based on her choice or husbands choice if they find their marriage is unsuccessful. Christian wife does not have this right. Refer to related questions below for more detailed information.
They are two completely different ethic groups. Most Arabs are either Muslim or Christian. Hebrews (called Jews today) are Jewish.
Fighting between Christian and Muslim
Some Muslims, particularly Israeli Muslims and some Palestinians speak Hebrew.
No, She is a Christian Or Half Christian Half Muslim