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Site refers to the actual physical location of a place, while situation refers to a description of the site relative to its surroundings.

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Q: In Geography how does site differ from situation?
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There is such a thing called site and situation, but not Crawley early site and situation. What this appears to be is the reference of physical features around a certain area.

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Site and situation?

Site is what God made, what we see and things that are natural Situation is roads and man-made

What does Situation means in Geography?

means a big coti lol

What is site in geography?

In Geography, the site is one of the main interests of geographers about settlements. It tells us about the actual land which is occupied by the settlement. An example of this is on flat land, on fertile soil, on a hilltop etc.

How does nations geography differ as you travel across the 50 states?

The nations geography differs as you travel across the 50 states because of its land,environment, and climate. Hope this helps!

How did the geography of the Eskimo peoples differ from that of peoples located in the Indus River Valley?


What are situation sites?

Geographers use the term site and situation the most often. Site refers to a certain location that is used for specific activities. Situation refers to a site but in relation to another activity and location. Advantages and disadvantages are taken into consideration.

What are site and situation?

Site refers to the physical characteristics of a place, including its topography, climate, and resources. Situation refers to a location's relationship to surrounding features such as proximity to resources, trade routes, and other settlements. Both site and situation are important factors in determining the success and development of a place.