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If the angle between the displacement and force applied is less than a right angle, then it is Positive Work done. If the angle between the displacement and the force applied is greater than a right angle then it is Negative Work done. If the displacement and force are at right angles, or either is zero, then it is Zero Work done.

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Q: What is the difference between negative work and zero work and positive work done?
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How do you determine a work done is positive sign or negative sign?

If work is done on the system then it has a negative sign. If work is done by the system then it has a positive sign.

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In thermodynamics, work done by the system is considered positive. Work done on the system is considered negative.

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Positive forces can counter negative forces.

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Subtracting a negative is like adding a positive.

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How do you create a potential difference?

A potential difference is created by separating positive and negative charges, typically by a battery or power source. This separation leads to an imbalance of charge, creating a voltage difference between two points, which can then produce an electric current when a conducting path is provided.

What is voltage difference?

Voltage at a point is defined as the work done by a unit positive charge carrying it from infinity to that point. while volage diffrance between two points is the work done bye unit positive charge from one point to the other may be positive or negative depend upon the nature of charge that's why the potential will be negative or positive .CommentBy definition, voltage means potential difference. For this reason, you cannot have 'a voltage at a point' because potential difference, or voltage, exists between two points. You can, however, have a potential at a point.

When do you say that the work done is positive or negative?

Work done is considered positive when the force applied and the displacement of the object are in the same direction, causing movement in that direction. On the other hand, work done is considered negative when the force applied and the displacement are in opposite directions, resulting in work being done against the direction of the force.

On the basis of gram reaction only can you distinguish between staphylococcus and streptococcus?

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What happends when you divide a negative number?

When you divide a negative number by a positive number or a positive number by a negative number, the division is done the same way as when both numbers are positive, and the quotient is negative. When dividing a negative number by a negative number, divide as usual, and the quotient is positive. + ÷ + = + + ÷ - = - - ÷ + = - - ÷ - = + + x + = + + x - = - - x + = - - x - = +