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Generally this is how the concept of Induction and Deduction will move

* Induction - particular to general. * Deduction - general to particular. However this is actually untrue. Either arguments starting with or ending with a Partcular or generalisation. An argument that is Deductively invalid can be Inductively valid.

Eg; Inductivley valid, but Deductively invalid.

(Particular) My apple is red

Your apple is red

(General) All apples are red

(General) If something is red, it is a Tomato.

Your car is red

(Particular) Your car is also a Tomato Obviously untrue statements, however to constitute as Inductively valid one must only display a logical correlation of concepts.

Eg; Deductively valid.

(General) If you don't have a ticket you can't ride the bus.

You don't have a ticket.

(Particular)so, you can't ride the bus.

...maybe read the Wikipedia page too! Its hard to define but easy to understand.

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