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Functionalism refers to one's purpose on earth (everything has a purpose). With all your abilities, talents, interests and inclinations, a person becomes the right person to do a certain task and to accomplish things better than what others can do. That is why the levels of performance vary from person to person. Finding the right person to do the job is only a matter of suitability, ability and interest. Materialism, on the other hand, is being so engrossed with money and what it can buy. Money can buy a nice bed, but not a good night's sleep. It can buy you the finest clothes, but not class and elegance (because these attributes are a matter of how one carries himself and not simply wearing the most expensive clothes). Yes, money can buy you the most expensive food, but most of the time, indulging creates a lot of health problems. Money can buy you medicines, but not health. A person has to find his or her purpose on this earth... what God intends him to do. On the other hand, his functionalism should also be balanced with the proper use of material things God entrusts him/her with.

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Q: What is the difference between functionalism and materialism?
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