al, the combination of a + el, is for masculine nouns. For example, to say, She goes to the theater, you would say "Ella va al teatro."
a la is for feminie nouns. For example, to say They go to the store, you would say "Ellos van a la tienda."
Spanish Fort, AL
Cual es la difiriencia entre tu y yo?
The Spanish word "al" is masculine. It is a combination of the words "a" (to, at) + "el" (the, masc. sing.).
al lado de la puerta
ir al or ir a la, depending on place.
voy al paseo/a la alameda
The motto of Spanish Royal Guard is 'Al servicio de la corona'.
You can use either one i.e Al frente de el televisor Al frente de la television.
Soy yo el/la al/a la cual aludes/mencionas?
Ricky Martin
its at the end of the street
siguiendo la ruta al parque