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Some changes could include, weather and climate change, pollution, deforestation, etc.

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Q: What is the change of the environment that has a negative effect on organisms?
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Indicator organisms are organisms that are sensitive to changes in the environment. When populations of indicator species changes, it can signal a change in the environment that will eventually effect other species as well.

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Indicator organisms are organisms that are sensitive to changes in the environment. When populations of indicator species changes, it can signal a change in the environment that will eventually effect other species as well.

What do you call a change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things?

An adverse change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things is known as environmental degradation. This can include factors such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change, all of which can harm ecosystems and the organisms within them.

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The destruction of natural resources can lead to habitat loss, reduced food availability, and increased exposure to toxins in living organisms. This can result in population declines, reduced biodiversity, and ultimately have negative impacts on ecosystems and human health.

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FIRST THING THERE IS NO NEGATIVE effect on the environment. AND

What is a positive and negative effect of human environment interaction?

Positive effect: Humans can modify the environment to make it more suitable for their needs through activities like agriculture, construction, and resource management. Negative effect: Human activities like deforestation, pollution, and urbanization can harm the environment, leading to ecological imbalances, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.

What is the alteration in aquatic bodies which has a negative effect on apnatic organisms?

An increase in water temperature can lead to decreased oxygen levels in aquatic bodies, negatively impacting apnatic organisms like fish. This decrease in oxygen availability can lead to respiratory stress, reduced metabolism, and overall lower survival rates for these organisms.

How can you remedy man negative effect on his environment?

Zero Population Growth.

Do humans have the greatest effect on the physical environment or the biotic environment of organisms?

Could you repeat the question in terms that i can understand

Any alteration in aquatic bodies which has a negative effect on apnatic organisms?

Pollution from chemical substances, like pesticides or industrial waste, can harm aquatic organisms by disrupting their reproductive systems, causing mutations, or decreasing oxygen levels in the water. Oil spills can also coat animals' fur or feathers, making it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature or find food. Changes in water temperature due to climate change can disrupt the natural habitats of aquatic organisms, leading to population decline.