There isn't necessarily a required age for graduating. Some students will be 17, if they have a summer birthday or if they started school early. Most students graduate at the age of 18. It's uncommon, but not impossible, for a 16 year old to graduate early from high school if they obtained their credits early or were smart enough to take advanced classes with older students.
Depends upon the schoosl and the students. If the school is a good school then most probably there are lots of students who can graduate.
Most state colleges and universities offer tuition discounts for students over the age of 60. Some of these universities offer free education for students over the age of 60. For information specific to your state, you need to check with the schools in your area.
The school system is somewhat different in China to what we are used to in the west.Children can 'graduate' at almost any age. They have little choice and further education is either compulsory or forbidden.
Most South African scholars matriculate (that's what we call it in South Africa) at the end of the year in which they turn 18.
Approximately 25% of graduate students in Ethiopia complete their studies and graduate, based on available data.
Most of them graduate in June or late May at age 17 or 18.
UCLA has about 11,548 graduate students.
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It typically does not depend on age. However, most students will spend 10 years paying back student loans. Undergraduate students will normally begin paying back student loans 6 months after they graduate.
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