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Acceptance to college is based on many factors that are different depending on the college or university. There are specialty schools (music conservatories and art schools for example) that depend on your expertise in that particular area.

For universities offering a more general education, decisions are largely based on your high school academic record and test scores with grades having more weight than test scores. While very good grades can compensate for mediocre test scores, it is unlikely that good test scores will compensate for a lackluster school record. The more competitive a school is though, the more factors taken into consideration.

Some more factors are community service, paid jobs you have had, internships, personal essays, intellectual essays, short answer responses on applications, teacher recommendations, character, special talents, awards and honors, unique personal experiences, and what diversity you will bring to the school (this diversity may be racial, economic, or based on some other unique factor that you bring).

Once you are accepted, you must keep your grades steady in order to keep this acceptance. Colleges reserve the right to take back your admission if your grades slip or you have poor conduct (such as criminal charges or referrals from school).

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