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Använd inte Google Translate.

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i dont no but whyy dont you use google translate ?? :)

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i dont know, but find the spanish lyrics on google then copy and paste into google translate maybe?

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Why dont you go to google translate and find it there.

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i dont know but go to google translate

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I dont know?! Google translate :)

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No me gusta trabajar. To double check this, go on google translate. You can also use google translate for other Spanish words.

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échec pronuneced eshec by the way I dont know french I use google translate

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Maybe after finding the translation of your question you can add "how do you translate I dont want a black eye and a fula maka?"

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лесбиянки. i dont know how to tell you how to pronounce it using a key board but you could go to google translate

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i got this of google translate so i dont know if its right ce qui est français pour manger avec amour

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you can go on google translate to translate anything else you have questions for. :) but this is how you say it " Mi nombre es Linda". if you dont know how to get to google translate just send me a message :)