a sentence with the word tenet in it is: The Tenet that god created earth is a common belief for most Catholics.
This is not a Romanian word.
The Romanian word for quince is gutuie.
The romanian word for snail is "melc"
The romanian word for tent is "cort"
The Romanian word for today is azi.
The Romanian word for the English word "book" is "carte".
In Romanian, the word "car" means "cart." The Romanian word for "car" is "mașină."
The Romanian word for the English language is "engleza" or "limba engleza". The Romanian word for the English people is "englezi".
The Romanian word equivalent for reunion is reuniune.
The word 'miere' is a Romanian equivalent of 'honey'. The same word in English as an endearment, instead of a food, may be alinare in Romanian. Another possibility in Romanian is the word mîngîiere.