"San Miguel Arcangel,
defiéndenos en la batalla.
Sé nuestro amparo
contra la perversidad y asechanzas
del demonio.
Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes,
y tú Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial,
arroja al infierno con el divino poder
a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos
que andan dispersos por el mundo
para la perdición de las almas.
San Miguel is Spanish for St. Michael - an archangel and saint.
St. Michael the Archangel Church was created in 1888.
Michael is an archangel and has no human relatives.
Yes, St. Michael the Archangel is real.
St. Michaell was and is and always will be an archangel.
Michael is an archangel and has never had a life of a human.
Saint Michael wasn't martyred because he is an archangel.
St. Michael the Archangel High School was created in 1984.
st Michael is the leader of Gods army.
St. Michael is an archangel and never lived as a human.
St. Michael is an archangel and commander of the army of Heaven.