The word "patient" is a noun, a word for someone or something receiving medical treatment; a word for a person (or animal).The noun forms of the adjective patient are patientnessand patience.
The abstract noun form of the adjective patient is patience.The word 'patient' is also a concrete noun, as a word for a person receiving medical treatment.
A person who requires medical care.
The abstract noun form of the adjective patient is patience.The word 'patient' is also a concrete noun, as a word for a person receiving medical treatment.
The medical root word 'coxa' refers to the hip (Latin).
The medical root word 'genu' refers to the knee (Latin).
The medical root word 'hallux' refers to the great toe (Latin).
The full form of Rx is "prescription." Rx is derived from Latin, with the symbol "Rx" representing the imperative verb "recipe," which means "take" or "take thou." It is commonly used in medical contexts and signifies a medical prescription or instructions for a patient's treatment.
The medical root word 'myo' refers to the muscle. The Latin word for muscle is mus.
lichen planus is a type of skin or tongue disease that makes the patient develop papules and can leave the patient with scarring. Lichen planus is a latin word.
The "medical" (actually Latin) word for 'pain' is dolor, if that helps.
The medical term for itching is pruritus, from the Latin word prurire (to itch).