Sometimes it can be hard to translate English sayings to Latin. The Latin translation for "Scotland Forever" is Semper Scotia.
Semper or Perpetuo.
"Forever in your heart" can be translated semper in corde tuo.
You can either use Honor et Passio or Honorque passio.
The Latin translation of 'Honor and Integrity' is 'Honoris et Honestatis.' Though there are several Latin words for honor, 'honoris' is the most common pairing with the word for integrity, 'honestatis.'
There are typically, but not always, three types of Latin honors. Many institutions only employ the first two. In order of increasing level of honor, they are: * cum laude, "with honor" (direct translation); "with praise" * magna cum laude, "with great honor" (direct translation); "with great praise" * summa cum laude, "with highest honor" (direct translation); "with highest praise"
The translation for 'strength and honor' in Italian is 'resistenza e honor'.
the latin word honor, honoris translates to honor or glory.
The Latin translation of "magnetism" is "magnetismus."
The Latin equivalent of 'when goodbye means forever' is Quando 'vale' significat 'semper'. In the word-by-word translation, the dependent conjunction 'quando' means 'when'. The verb 'vale' means 'farewell, goodbye'. The verb 'significat' means '[he/she/it] does mean, is meaning, means'. The adverb 'semper' means 'always, forever'.
The Latin word for 'forever' is aeternum.