"Populus" would be the most obvious root for the word "Popularity".
Populus means "the people", "a nation", "a crowd", "a multitude".
Latin - popularis, from populus = people. Popular IS the root, you would add prefixes or suffixes onto it, like unpopular, or popularity.
Words from the root pop (Latin populi) include people, variants of popular (popularity) and variants of population (populace, to populate).
The root "Struct" is Latin in origin. It comes from the Latin word "structura," meaning "a building or structure."
what is the latin root for apparently
The Latin root of Prefer is Praeferre.
The latin root for flexible is flex.
The Latin root for "nine" is "novem."
The Latin root for "people" is "populus."
re is greek and latin
Francium has a Latin root. It is named after France, where it was discovered.
I honestly dont think there is a latin root for mind.... sorry :(