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lupus is Latin for wolf.

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Q: What is the Latin name for wolf?
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What does the wolf's scientific name mean?

The scientific name for the wolf, Canis lupus, translates to "dog" (Canis) and "wolf" (lupus) in Latin.

Which animal has the Latin name of lupus?

The Latin name "lupus" is used to refer to the animal species known as the wolf.

What was the wolf's name in Roman times?

Wolf = Lupus in Latin

What is the Latin name for Lycan?

Lupus means wolf in latin, and Lycan comes from the greek word for wolf.

How do you say female wolf scientifically?

A female wolf is scientifically referred to as a "she-wolf" or simply a "female wolf."

What is the arctic wolf's name in latin?

I do believe a wolf is Lupus in Latin. I don't think they have a word for arctic in Latin considering Latin is quite an old language. You could say 'lupus ut ago in glacies' which means wolf that lives in ice.Hope this is helpful.Decus et Tutamen. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants.

How did the constellation lupus get its name?

Lupus means wolf in latin.

Where does the name for the animal wolf come from?

In a combination of Latin and Greek Lupus is Latin for wolf, and although I am unclear on what his name was (it was along the lines of lupus) was the farmer of wolves or something alon the lines of that.

What is the scientific name for a timber wolf?

The scientific name for a timber wolf is Canis lupus.

What is the Latin name of a gray wolf and German shepherd?

Canis LupusThis is canis lupus. Domestic dogs are a subspecies, canis lupus familiaris.Canis lupus

What is the scientific name for wolves?

I know that the Latin name is canis lupus. an lupe gris is latin for grey wolf

What is a prairie wolf called the Latin name is Canis latrans?
