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Q: What is the Italian word for month?
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What is the word month in Italian?

Month translates to mese in Italian

What month comes from a word that means to open?

April is the month that comes from the word "to open." In Spanish it's abrir and in Italian it's aprire.

Is the word 'maio' Italian?

No, the word maio is not Italian.Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its singular form. It means "(the month of) May". The equivalent in Italian will be maggio.The pronunciation will be "ma-yoo" in carioca and continental Portuguese and "MAD-djo" in Italian.

When is Italian heritage month?

Italian Heritage Month is celebrated in the United States during the month of October.

What is 'November' when translated from English to Italian?

the Italian word for Novenber is Novembre.the Italian word for Novenber is Novembre.November is latin (means something like the ninth (month) - even if for us it's the eleventh) - Italian is the "child" of latin... words do not change a lot: "novembre"

What is the Italian translation of 'July'?

Luglio is an Italian equivalent of the English month of July.Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. It serves as a proper noun. But it is not capitalized.The pronunciation is "LOO-lyoh."

What is the month of July in Italian?

The month of July in Italian is "luglio."

What does the word mai mean in English?

It is May (as in the month) in French days and months do not have capital letters. It is never in Italian.....

How is 'Aprile' pronounced in Italian?

Ah-PREE-lay is an Italian pronunciation of 'Aprile'. The word in Italian is a masculine gender noun. It's the fourth month of the year. So it comes after 'Marzo' ['March'], and before 'Maggio' ['May'].

What is the Italian word for 'no'?

The Italian word for no is no.

What is the English word for cheers in Italian?

There is no English word for cheers in Italian. Italian only uses the Italian word for cheers.

What is the Italian word for hunter?

The Word for Hunter in Italian is a Cacciatore. The Word for Hunter in Italian is a Cacciatore.