Lacroce is an Italian equivalent of the English surname LaCross.
Specifically, the name is a proper noun. The English last name is a surname of French origin, LaCrosse ("The cross"). The pronunciation will be "la kross" in French and "la KRO-tche" in Italian.
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Lungo is an Italian equivalent of the English surname "Long".Specifically, the word functions as an adjective or noun in Italian. In both cases, the word is in the masculine singular form. The pronunciation will be "LOON-go" in Italian.
"Kisses of she-wolves" is an English equivalent of the Italian surname Bacilupe.Specifically, the last name begins with the Italian masculine noun baci, which means "kisses". It concludes with the feminine noun lupe, which means "(female) wolves, she-wolves". The pronunciation will be "BAH-tchee-LOO-pey" in Italian.
"Steaks" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Brassole.Specifically, the name functions as a proper noun. As a surname, it refers to "pork chops, steaks". The pronunciation will be "bras-SO-le" in Italian.
The surname Gentile in Italian is "genteel" or "gentile (non-Jewish)" in English.
"Little Nora" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian name Norine.Specifically, the name is a feminine proper noun. It may be a given name or a surname. The pronunciation will be "noh-REE-ney" in Italian.
Cognome in Italian means "surname" in English.
Di Pietro is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Perkins." The Italian translation literally means "of Peter," one of the meanings of the English surname whose origins go back to "kin of Pierre ("Peter"). The pronunciation will be "dee PYEH-tro" in Pisan Italian.
The literal translation to English is 'a stroll', approximating the English surname of 'Walker'.
Valli is a female Hindu name and means "Creeping Plant" in Dravidian.It also has usage as a surname in multiple cultures.
No, Costa is not an Italian equivalent of the English name "Harden." Specifically, the feminine noun costa means "coast." The English surname Harden originates in the combination of the Old English words hær ("rock") and denu ("valley"). The pronunciation will be "KOS-ta" in Italian and "HAHR-dehn" in English.
The English translation for the German surname "Traut" is "trust" or "believe." It may have originated as a nickname for a trustworthy or reliable person.