Servizi sanitari is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "health services".
Specifically, the masculine noun servizi means "services". The masculine adjective sanitari translates as "health, hygienic, relative to health, sanitary". The pronunciation will be "ser-VEE-tsee SA-nee-TA-ree" in Italian.
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"Good health" in English is buona salute in Italian.
"Health and happiness!" in English is Salute e felicità!in Italian.
The Luhya translation of the English word 'Health' is "Afya".
Salute is an Italian equivalent of the English word "health."Specifically, the word functions as a feminine noun in its singular form. It literally means "health, well-being." It also translates as "Bless you!" for a sneeze and "Cheers!" for a toast.Whatever the meaning, the pronunciation remains "sa-LOO-tey" in Italian.
E se la tua salute...? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "What if your health...?"Specifically, the conjunction e literally is "and". The conjunction se means "if". The feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine possessive adjective tua means "(informal singular) your". The feminine noun salute translates as "health".The pronunciation will be "ey sey la TOO-a sa-LOO-tey" in Italian.
Salute! is the Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Bless you!" said to someone who sneezes. The feminine singular noun translates literally as "Health!" in English. The pronunciation will be "sa-LOO-tey" in Pisan Italian.
The abbreviation "Asp Uff" stands for "Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale - Ufficio" in Italian, which translates to "Provincial Health Authority - Office" in English. It usually refers to the office responsible for health services in the province.
Armadietto is one Italian equivalent of the English word "locker".Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its singular form. It means "locker" in the sense of a place in which possessions are kept during the pre-college years or while working out in a gym or health club. The pronunciation will be "AR-ma-DYET-to" in Italian.
You can often get this information fro a local university. Many state's Department of Health and Human Services can also assist.
The English translation for dietas is a diet or a regimen. Its definition in English can refer to the food that one consumes or reducing one's food intake for health purposes.
sei in buona salute?