[Io] ti amo, Caro is an Italian equivalent of 'I love you, Sweetheart'. The words in Italian are pronounced '[EE-oh] tee AH-moh KAH-roh'.
In the word by word translation, the subject pronoun 'io'means 'I'. It doesn't have to be used, because the verb identifies the subject as the first person singular. The personal pronoun 'ti' means 'you'. The verb 'amo' means '[I] am loving, do love, love'. The masculine adjective/noun 'caro'means 'beloved, dear, sweetheart'.
If the 'sweetheart' is female, then another form is used. It's the feminine adjective/noun 'cara'. It's pronounced 'KAH-rah'.
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Ti amo e sei bellissima, Samanta! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I love you, and you are very beautiful, Samantha!"
Specifically, the personal pronoun ti is "(informal singular) you". The verb amo means "(I) am loving, do love, love". The conjunction e means 'and". The verb seimeans "(informal singular you) are". The feminine adjective bellissima means "extremely/most/very beautiful". The feminine name Samanta serves as the Italian equivalent of "Samantha".
The pronunciation will be "tee AH-moh ey sey behl-LEES-see-mah sah-MAHN-tah" in Italian.
Amo, Ami, Amiamo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I love, you love, we love."
Specifically, the verb amo means "(I) am loving, do love, love." The verb ami means "(informal singular you) are loving, do love, love." The verb amiamo means "(We) are loving, do love, love."
The pronunciation is "AH-moh, AH-mee, ah-MYAH-moh."
"Amore" is the Italian word for "love".
condita con amore. :D
The English translation of 'Ti Voglio Bene' is 'I love you'. It is from the Italian language. Many people in Italy use this phrase to express love to their friends and family.
Piú amore! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "More love!"Specifically, the comparative/superlative piú means "more". The masculine noun amore translates as "love". The pronunciation will be "pyoo a-MO-re" in Italian.
Con amore di is an Italian equivalent of 'With love from'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'KOH-nah-MOH-reh dee'.In the word by word translation, the preposition 'con'means 'with'. The masculine gender noun 'amore' means 'love'. The preposition 'di' means 'of, from'.
Ti amo, Sean is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I love you, Sean".Specifically, the personal pronoun ti means "(informal singular) you". The verb amotranslates as "(I) am loving, do love, love". The pronunciation will be "tee AH-moh shahn" in Italian.
Secondo amore is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "second love".Specifically, the masculine adjective secondo means "second". The masculine noun amore translates as "love". The pronunciation will be "sey-KON-do a-MO-rey" in Italian.
Well I know that amor in spanish means love. Go to an Italian to English translation site,I learned some spanish from there. I am latinamerican. Mi amor (spanish): my love/honey/darling Amore mio (Italian): my love
The translation of the name Hugh in Italian is Ugo.
The Italian translation for the word "speck" is "speck."
Che amore! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "What love!"Specifically, the exclamatory che means "what!" The masculine noun amore translates as "love". The pronunciation will be "key* ah-MOH-rey" in Italian.*The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation "Hey!"