"I'm fine without her" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase "Sto bene senza lei."
Specifically, the verb "sto" means "(I) am, am living/remaining/staying, do live/remain/stay, live/remain/stay." The adverb "bene" means "fine, good, well." The preposition "senza" means "without." The personal pronoun "lei" means "her."
The pronunciation is "stoh-BEH-neh SEHN-tsah leh."
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"I am fine without her!" in English is Senza di lei sto bene! in Italian.
molto bene
"Sto bene senza lei" is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I am fine without her."Specifically, the verb "sto" means "(I) am, am living/remaining/staying, do live/remain/stay, live/remain/stay." The preposition "senza" means "without." The personal pronoun "lei" means "her."The pronunciation is "stoh BEH-neh SEHN-tsah leh."
"All well, thank you!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tutto bene, grazie! The adverbial phrase and courtesy also translate into English as "All fine, thanks!" The pronunciation will be "TOOT-to BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.
Stiamo bene is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "We are fine." The pronunciation will be "STYAM-mo BEH-ney" in Italian.
"Fine! Today!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bene! Oggi! The adverbs possibly reference an agreement over meeting that day. The pronunciation will be "BEH-ney OD-djee" in Italian.
"Very well, countrywomen!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Molto bene, paesane! The greeting references an all-female audience of compatriots or country-folk. The pronunciation will be "MOL-to BEH-ney peye-ZA-ney" in Italian.
"I really like you" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ti voglio bene. The declarative statement also translates into English as "I'm fond of you" and "I love you." The pronunciation will be "tee VO-lyo BEH-ney" in Italian.
Abbastanza bene in Italian means "quite well" in English.
Non molto bene is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "not very good." The pronunciation will be "non MOL-to BEH-ney" in Italian.
"Fine, thanks!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bene, grazie! The adverb and courtesy serve as a common response to being asked how one is. The pronunciation will be "BEH-ney GRA-tsyey" in Italian.
Optime is a Latin equivalent of the Italian phrase molto bene. The two serve as equivalents of the English phrase "very well." The respective pronunciations will be "MOL-to BEH-ney" in Italian and "OP-tee-mey" in Latin.