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Let me sing that I'm an Italian is an English equivalent of 'Lasciatemi cantare che sono un italiano'. The imperative 'lasciate' means '[you] allow, let, permit'. The personal pronoun 'mi' means 'me'. The relative 'che' means 'that'. The verb 'sono' means '[I] am'. The masculine indefinite article 'uno'* means 'a, one'. The masculine adjective/noun 'italiano' means 'Italian'. All together, they're pronounced 'lah-SHAH-teh-mee kahn-TAH-reh keh SOH-noh oo-nee-tah-LYAH-noh'.

*The vowel 'o' of 'uno' drops before a noun that begins with a vowel.

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Q: What is the Italian 'Lasciatemi cantare che sono un Italiano' in English?
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How do you say 'i like singing' in italian?

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How do you translate into English the root 'can not-'?

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What are the release dates for Ho tanta voglia di cantare - 1943?

Ho tanta voglia di cantare - 1943 was released on: Italy: 23 December 1943 USA: 4 August 1947 (New York City, New York)