Yes, "vase" is a one-syllable word.
The word vase has one syllable.
Yes, the word vase is a singular, common, concrete noun. A vase is a thing.
A flower vase is 'un vase' (masc.) in French.
Vase is a noun.
The noun 'vase' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a decorative container used to hold flowers in water, a word for a physical object, a word for a thing.
The word "vase" has a long a sound, pronounced as "vayz."
Please explain what you mean by "vase". Did you inadvertently use the wrong word? Or did you misspell the word? I'm really curious!
coat cost cast vast vase
An anagram of the word "save" is vase.
There are no eight-letter words in the English language that end in vase.