It could be Michelle or Miséil.
A phonetic spelling is Miséil in Irish Gaelic but Michelle is also used.
A phonetic spelling is Miséil in Irish Gaelic, but Michelle is also used.
A phonetic spelling is Miséil in Irish Gaelic, but Michelle is also used.
It's Miséil and is pronounced like Michelle, as it's a gaelicized spelling ofthat name. This is Irish Gaelic.
In Irish d'fhíorghrá;in Scottish Gaelic: ?
No Irish Gaelic form
Gaelic football is an Irish football. Gaelic means Irish. Obviously then the Gaelic our Irish people
The Irish Gaelic for 'turbine' is TUIRBÍN; the Scottish Gaelic is TUIRBIN.
In Irish Gaelic the word for chilli is CILLÍ.
In Irish Gaelic it is diabéiteas.
'Thin' is tanaí in Irish Gaelic.
Irish Gaelic for 'trees' is 'crainn'.
In Irish Gaelic: saoirse