Said to a male: "atah ha-neshama sheli" אתה הנשמה שלי
Said to a female: "aht ha-neshama sheli" את הנשמה שלי
The concept of a "soulmate" actually comes from Greek mythology. However, there is no one, single Greek word for soulmate. In fact, there are several different ways to talk about this concept in Greek. A literal translation would be "Adelphi psychí."
The word soulmate is said the same in Latin as it is in English. In the Spanish language these words are said as alma gemela.
Soulmate is not commonly a compound word but I did find one dictionary entry for the word as compound.
There is no Hebrew word for "an." There is no indefinite article in Hebrew.
"Your soulmate" in French is "ton âme sœur."
Calalini is not a Hebrew word and has no meaning in Hebrew.
The word "womack" doesn't have a Hebrew definition.The word "womack" doesn't have a Hebrew word. It's a name. You can spell it ווֹמאק in Hebrew letters.
Sydney is not a Hebrew word. It has no meaning in Hebrew.
diestra has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word.
But is not a a Hebrew word. The English word But means אבל (aval) in Hebrew.