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rachamim (רחמים), pronounced rah-khah-MEEM

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Q: What is the Hebrew word for mercy?
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What does the Hebrew word rahamim mean?


How do you write 'Rachmim' in Hebrew?

If you mean rachamim, the Hebrew word for "mercy" it is רחמים

What is the Hebrew word for No mercy?

ein rachamim (אין רחמים)

What is the Hebrew word for mercy or empathy?

The English word "MERCY", as it is translated from the original Hebrew manuscripts of Biblical scripture (and then also from the Greek Septuagint):חסד (Hebrew): "checed" (noun) - goodness, kindness, from the root wordחָסַד (Hebrew): "chacad" (verb) - to be good, be kind.

What is the definition of the Hebrew word rachamim?

rakhamim (רחמים) = Mercyrachamim (רחמים) = "mercy"

What Hebrew word often translated mercy or loving kindness enphasizes loyalty?

mercy = rachamim (רחמים) loving kindness = chesed (חסד) But neither word has any specific connection to loyalty.

What is the Hebrew translation of the word ramil?

There is no name Ramil in Hebrew, but it is close to the name Remiel, which means God is my mercy.

How do you say mercy in Hebrew?

rachamim (רחמים)

How can make a good sentence for word mercy?

how can make the sentence for word mercy

What is god of justice and mercy in Hebrew?

God of Justice and Mercy = El tsedek verachamim (אל צדק ורחמים)

Hebrew translation of your name RA MIL?

There is no name Ramil in Hebrew, but it is close to the name Remiel, which means God is my mercy.

What is the Hebrew translation of your name RA MIL?

There is no name Ramil in Hebrew, but it is close to the name Remiel, which means God is my mercy.