The graduation ceremony is sometimes called "Commencement" because the ceremony marks the beginning, or commencement, of life outside the academic environment.
teh-kess (טקס)
The wedding ceremony is about to begin. She wants to attend the graduation ceremony. When her friends met for the first time, she performed the ceremony of proper introductions.
The Graduation Ceremony was created on 2011-05-23.
The degree date for the upcoming graduation ceremony is on May 15th.
My favorite ancestor came to my graduation ceremony!
The word Bar Mitzvah (בר מצוה) is a Hebrew word. Bar is technically Aramaic, but it's commonly used in Hebrew.The Bar Mitzvah ceremony, which is actually just an ordinary Torah service, is entirely in Hebrew.
brukhim haba'im latekess hasiyyum, kitah shel(ברוכים הבאים בטקס הסיום, כיתה של)
The English translation of the Sanskrit word "samavarthan" is "return home" or "homecoming."
畢業 Bì yè - to graduate 畢業典禮 Bì yè diǎn lǐ - Graduation ceremony
It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.It's an assembly or gathering for a ceremony, such as graduation.
The rehearsal for the wedding ceremony is tomorrow night. Are you wearing a cap and gown for your graduation ceremony? They've lived together for four years and say that they don't need any special ceremony to prove they're married. The Brownies will become Girl Scouts at a special "flying up" ceremony.