Πωλητής Μεταχηρισμένων Βιβλίων [ PoleetEEs MetaheeresmEnon VivlIon]
The root "biblos" means "book" in Greek. It is commonly used in words related to books and literature, such as "Bible" which means "the Book" in Greek.
The average price for books written by Eric Jerome Dickey are $10 - $15. But the price range differs from seller to seller and if the book is used or new.
The seller can use other means to recap the money. Countertrade can be used to provide back a means of paying for the original goods.
Greek Biblos means a book. As greek was popular language then, and people used to refer to the books somewhat like 'This is written in the book of ....", bible could have become popular word for The Bible.
Of course! Those books where pretty much Greek versions of bibles.
It means open your books, and Cierren los libros means close your books. (:
no they used wax tablets with information on it written by the teacher
Yia sas means goodbye in Greek. It also means hello, and can be used to say bless you after someone sneezes.
The Greek word "Ellinas" means "Greek" or "a person from Greece." It is used to refer to individuals of Greek nationality or descent.
One term used is 'The Christian Greek Scriptures'.
Magali is a name for girls used by French and Greeks. In Greek, Magali means "pearl" and it means "daisy" in French.
ER usually refers to an "Exclusive Right" to sell. This means the Seller has agreed to give the agent the right to sell his property and in turn the agent will represent the Seller, market the property and perform his professional duties. What ER means for the Seller is that no matter WHO buys the property, even a cousin of the Seller--the Seller will owe the commission to the agent during the course of the listing agreement. This is commonly the only type of listing used in most states. One exception to this is in New York City.