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The Greek word for united is enomenos. The Latin word for united is iunctis, the Spanish word is unido, and the Italian word is unito.

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ενότητα (enotita)

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ομοφωνία [omophonEEa]

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ενότητα (enotita).

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Q: What is unity in Greek?
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Related questions

How do you say unity in Greek without transliteration?

ενότητα (enotita) unity.

What factors contributed to Greek cultural unity or panhellenism?

Greek religious festivals with competitions contributed to their cultural unity or panhellenism.

What is the Greek word for unity?


What does greek key symbol stand for?

infinity and unity

What were the reasons for the lack of greek unity?

Some reasons for the lack of Greek unity include geographical barriers separating city-states, political rivalries and competition for power, differing forms of government, cultural differences, and external threats that forced cities to prioritize their own interests over Greek unity.

What does greek key symbol mean?

Infinity, Eternity, Unity

What is a Latin or Greek word meaning 'united'?

ενωμένος (enomenos) is the Greek word for united.

Which are the three main principles of Greek aesthetics?

The three main principles of Greek aesthetics are harmony, proportion, and unity. These principles guided Greek art and architecture, emphasizing balance and beauty in their creations.

Is the word title Greek or Hebrew?

The English word "unity" is of Latin origin, neither Greek nor Hebrew. Unity in Hebrew is achdut (אחדות).

What is the significance of The Odyssey?

This was a famous piece of classical Greek literature which serves as a symbol of Greek unity and culture, revealing moral lessons of heroism, pride, courage, and honor relevant to later Greeks.

How was Alexander the Great involved with Greece?

His father Phillip Of Macedonia, married Eurydice, niece of the Greek Attalus, forming a unity between the two.

What is a biblical word for oneness?

In Biblical Hebrew the word, 'echad {pronounced-ekh-awd'} means one as in united and its variation yachad {yakh-awd'}. In the Greek, hies {hice} means one and henotes {hen-ot'-ace} means oneness or unity. Mia {mee'-ah} can be used for one, but normally means first. Oneness or like-mindedness comes from the Greek, sumpsuchos {soom'-psoo-khos}, also. In the Old Testament, there are the names Jachdo or Yachdow that means 'his unity' and Jahdiel or Yachdiyel that means, 'unity of God.'