The Greek word for wind energy is "αιολική ενέργεια" (aiolikí enérgeia).
Zephyr comes from the Greek Wind God Zephyrus; or "West Wind".
The anemometer is used to measure the wind. The word anemometer comes from the Greek word "anemos" which means wind.
When breathing is interrupted or when there is totally no wind.
Δεύτερη Πτέρυγα [thefteree ptereegha]
Aeras (αέρας) is the most common word which means wind or air. Anemos (Άνεμος) means only the wind.
An anemometer measures wind speed in mp/h. The word comes from the greek word anemos meaning wind
An anemometer is a device used to measure wind speed. The word anemometer is derived from the Greek word anemos which means wind,
My dictionary tells me this: From the late Old English Jefferey, denoting a personification of the west wind, via Latin from Greek zephuros '(god of) the west wind.'dates from the late 17th cent.----------The word "zephyr" originates from the Greek name, Zephyr, the West Wind. There were four chief winds in Greek Mythology, all ruled over by Aeolus, King of the Winds.Boreas was the North Wind.Zephyr was the West Wind.Notus was the South Wind.Eurus was the East Wind.
The word cyclone comes from the Greek word "cyklos" meaning circle. This refers to the circular wind pattern found in such systems.
Volcano has no Greek origins, being derived from Vulcanus, the Roman god of fire. Zephyros is the Greek word for the west wind, or more properly, northwest.