ades = Hades = `Αδης = the underworld, the kingdom of dead
Βασίλειο του φωτός (vasilio too fotos).
Greece. Ancient Macedonia was a Greek kingdom on the northern Greek peninsula. Modern Macedonia is a Greek kingdom on the northern Greek peninsula.
Alexander the great was born in Pella in the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia on the northern Greek peninsula. He is considered by historians to be a Greek from the ancient kingdom of Macedonia just like Leonidas was a Greek from Sparta and Pericles was a Greek from Athens.
An ancient Greek kingdom on the northern Greek peninsula.
the kingdom of Macedonia, a greek kingdom.
Ares did not have a single kingdom or realm to rule. He was not a king. Ares was a Greek god.
Macedonia was the kingdom in northern Greece which produces Philip and Alexander the Great. The Greek word means tall and slim.
the greek word for egg is: avgo
The Greek word for experience is εμπειρία (empeiría).
MONINIUS: means the believers of the angel of light. Who is also known as Satan or Lucifer before he was cast out from the kingdom of Heaven.
The Greek kingdom was united by a shared language, Greek, which was spoken and understood across the region. Additionally, the ancient Greeks shared religious beliefs and practices, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses worshipped throughout the kingdom. They also shared a common history and mythology, which were celebrated in art, literature, and festivals.