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Q: What is the German word for yellow?
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What does Gelb mean in Hebrew?

Gelb is the German word for yellow. If you are asking what the Hebrew word for yellow is, it's tsahov.

What did the word Jude mean on the yellow stars?

Jude is German for Jew.

What is the translation of the word 'yellow' in several languages?

Yellow = jaune (in French) Yellow = Amarillo (in Spanish) Yellow = gelb (in German) Yellow = giallo (in Italian) Yellow = amarelo (in Portuguese) Hope it'll help !

How do yoy say yellow in french?

The word for yellow in French is Jaune. There is only one way of saying yellow in french. Jaune. In German it is, gelb, I think.

What language origin does the word gold come from?

The word "gold" comes from the Old English word "geolu," which means yellow. This word is related to the Latin word "geld" and the German word "gold."

How do you say yellow in German?

gelb is yellow in German it is one syllable long so you slur the l and b

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word

What does Gelb mean in German?

"gelb" means yellow in English

How do you spell yellow in German?


What is the German word for who?

The German word for "Who" is "Wer".

What is the German word for their?

The German word for their is "Ihre."

What is the German word for with?

"mit" is the German word for "with".