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Q: What is the German word for menu?
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Related questions

Which is the most frequently used menu in the word processor?

The 'File' menu is the most frequently used menu in the word processor.

What is the portion of the Word 2007 user interface still called a menu?

the word menu

How many syllables are in the word menu?

The word menu has two syllables. (Men-u)

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word

Does the word menu have a long or short vowel sound?

The vowel sounds in the word menu are a short e and a long u.

What word is before the word Illuminator on the menu at the top of the page?

The word before "Illuminator" on the menu at the top of the page is "Highlighter."

Which menu in Word is accessed to display rulers?

The View menu.

Can you put the word menu in a sentence?

You have a great choice on the menu

What is menu example?

Menu is the French word for "food list".

What does menu de mots in English?

it means: word menu.

What is the Hebrew word for menu as in restaurant menu?

תפריט - "Tafreet".

What is the German word for who?

The German word for "Who" is "Wer".