

Best Answer

Depending on context, campaign can be translated as


sich einsetzen

sich engagieren


Krieg führen

Wahlkampf führen

auf die Straße gehen







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Q: What is the German word for campaign?
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When did German campaign in Angola happen?

German campaign in Angola happened in 1914-10.

When did German campaign - Napoleonic Wars - happen?

German campaign - Napoleonic Wars - happened in 1813.

Where did the name blitzball originate?

The word blitzball originates from the German word Blitzkreig which means: it is an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.

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How many syllables are in the word campaign?

There are two syllables in the word 'campaign'.

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What is a sentence using the word campaign?

campaign is a bad word dont ever say it again

How did the US government respond to German campaign against European Jews?

The US government did not do anything during the German campaign against European Jews. The US did not do anything until after WW II.

Is a campaign a collective noun?

No, the noun 'campaign' is not a standard collective noun.

What is the base word for campaign?

The base word for "campaign" is "campagne," which comes from the Latin word "campania" meaning open country.

Who planned the German World War 1 U boat campaign?

German Admiral Alfred Von Tirpitz as secretary for the German navy.

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word