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Q: What is the German word for article?
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What is the artcle for the German word Maus?

The German word Maus is feminine, so the definite article is die and the indefinite article is eine.

What is the English word 'worm' in German?

"Wurm" is a German equivalent of the English word "worm."Specifically, the German word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "der" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "ein" ("a, one").

What is 'king' in German?

"König" is the German translation of "king".The German word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "der" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "ein" ("a").

What is 'developer' in German?

"Bauträger" is a German equivalent of "developer."The German word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "der." Its singular indefinite article is "ein."

What is the word that red spells backwards?

The German article "der" (the).

What is 'urinary bladder' in German?

"Harnblase" is a German equivalent of "(urinary) bladder."The German word is a feminine noun. Its singular definite article is "die" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "eine" ("a, one).

Is the German word Wald femine or masculine?

The German word "Wald" is masculine. It uses the article "der" (e.g. "der Wald").

What is a three letter word for a German article?

der, die , das.

What is 'etching' in German?

"Radierung" is a German equivalent of "etching."Specifically, the German word is a feminine noun. Its feminine singular definite article is "die" ("the"). Its feminine singular indefinite article is "eine" ("a, one").

What does the word die in German mean in English mean?

The German word die translates as the definite article the.The German language has three forms of definite article: der, die, das.Die is used for singular female nouns and plural nouns.

What is the German 'König' in English?

"King" is a German equivalent of "König".The German word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "der" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "ein" ("a, one").

What is the German 'Herde' in English?

"Herd" is an English equivalent of "Herde."The German word is a feminine noun. Its singular definite article is "die" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "eine" ("a, one").