In Scottish Gaelic 'children' is clann Pronounced "clown"
The word "clown" has one syllable.
Scottish Gaelic is a 'coimhead.Irish Gaelic is cuma.
Fear tuaithe (man from the country [archaic]) Cabóg (clown, clodhopper) Gamal (lout, fool, simpleton) Tútachán (awkward, crude; churlish, mean) Áilteoir (joker, trickster) Amhlóir (foolish, awkward person)
What vowel is used in the word "Clown"
It is not a Gaelic word.
No Gaelic word for Chalmers.
There is no Hawaiian word for clown.
The word 'bassett' is not a Gaelic word, and therefore has no meaning in Gaelic.
In IRISH Gaelic the word is "vaidhtéaraí";in SCOTTISH Gaelic: ?
There are one syllable in the word "clown."
The Irish Gaelic word for 'jewelry' is seoda.The Scottish Gaelic word is seudraidh.