Fionnuala Williams has written: 'Six hundred Gaelic proverbs collected in Ulster by Robert Mac Adam'
Caden is a female name. Caden was originally a male name. A Gaelic spelling of Adam. Now it is a unisex name.
There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.
There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.There is no god of Gaelic Football.
Ádhamh [SW Ireland: 'awv'; W & N Ireland 'aw-oo']
Scottish Gaelic is tì. Irish Gaelic is tae.
"Gaelic" can mean "Irish Gaelic' or "Scottish Gaelic". They are classified as two distinct languages.
Irish Gaelic is arís ("a-reesh")Scots Gaelic is a-rithist.Manx Gaelic = ?
In Irish d'fhíorghrá;in Scottish Gaelic: ?
It is not a Gaelic word. Gaelic has no K.
Irish Gaelic: suncáil Scottish Gaelic: ?
Irish (Gaelic) is Siach; Scottish Gaelic is ???