Desiderata is the same in Italian and Latin. The feminine singular adjective/past participle translates to English as "desired" as an adjective or past participle and "desired one" as a pronoun. The pronunciation will be "dey-SEE-dey-RA-ta" in Italian.
There is no English word for cheers in Italian. Italian only uses the Italian word for cheers.
Cupere--to desire.
"Magnificent" in English is magnifico in Italian.
"idee" is the Italian word for "ideas" but in the singular, the Italian word is the same as the English one. I mean English - Italian = idea - idea :) get it?
"Vivo" in Italian translates to "alive" or "living" in English.
In English, the Italian word "boca" translates to "mouth."
The Italian word "vino" translates to "wine" in English.
"Exquisite" is an English equivalent of the Italian word squisito.Specifically, the Italian word is the masculine form of an adjecti
The English word for serra in Italian is "greenhouse."
To desire.
"For" is one English equivalent of the Italian word per.Specifically, the word is a preposition. It means "for, through". The pronunciation will be "pehr" in Italian.
Per is an Italian equivalent of the English word "for." The preposition also translates literally as "in order to," "through" and "with" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "pehr" in Pisan Italian.