"Which", "whom" and "whose" are English equivalents of the Italian word cui depending upon context.
Specifically, the Italian word is a relative pronoun. It translates as "which" when referencing an animal and as "whom" when referring to a person. The pronunciation will be "kwee" in Italian.
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The French word "cui cui" is similar to the English onomatopoeia "tweet tweet," representing the sound that a bird makes.
The Latin equivalent of the English question 'What is the benefit?' is the following: Cui bono. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'cui' means 'to what'; and 'bono' means 'good'. The pronunciation is the following: kwee BOH-noh.
Cleopatra received Caesar, to whom she gave food is the English equivalent of 'Cleopatra accepit Caesarem cui cibum donavit'. In the word by word translation, the verb 'accepit' means '[he/she/it] does receive, is receiving, receives'. The relative pronoun 'cui' means 'to whom'. The noun 'cibum' means 'food'. The verb 'donavit' means '[he/she/it] gave'.
"Love, the state of mind I am in!" in English is Amore, lo stato d'animo in cui mi trovo! in Italian.
"Beautiful girl whom I will marry!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bella ragazza con cui mi sposerò! The exclamation also translates literally as "Beautiful girlfriend with whom I'll get married!" in English. The pronunciation will be "BEL-la ra-GAT-tsa kon kwee mee SPO-zey-RO" in Pisan Italian.
Non parlando italiano volevo dire che non c'è di che per la birra per cui mi avete ringraziato.
L'unico uomo con cui voglio stare is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "The only man I want to be with." The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase in the first person singular of the present indicative -- which literally translates as "The only man with whom I want to be" -- will be "LEE-nee-ko WO-mo kon kwee VO-lyo STA-rey" in Italian.
There are two syllables like so: cui-sine.
Cui is the dative singular, all genders, of the relative pronoun qui, quae, quod and also of the interrogative pronoun quis, quid. It means "to whom" or "to which."
Mai Cui has written: 'Cui Degao xian sheng yi shu'
Jaoquin Cui is married to Juana Quitzon who has 8 children namely 1.) Pablo Q. Cui, nickname Padre Amboy a priest 2.) Domingo Q. Cui married to Leocadia Arteche 3.)Emeterio Q. Cui married to Casilda Gabieta 4.)Hervacio Q. Cui married Saturnina ..... 5.) Honoria Q. Cui 6.) Prieseza Q. Cui married to Lucas Piczon 7.) Temotea Q. Cui married to Leno Cinco 8.) Valentina Q. Cui
Cui Dunli was born in 596.