"(The) beautiful crazy life!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase La bella vita matta!
Specifically, the feminine singular definite article la is "the". The feminine adjective bella means "beautiful, handsome". The feminine noun vita means "life". The feminine adjective mattatranslates as "crazy, mad, wild".
The pronunciation will be "lah BEHL-lah VEE-tah MAHT-tah" in Italian.
"Beautiful thing" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bella cosa.Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful" in English. The feminine noun cosa translates as "object, thing" in English. The pronunciation will be "BEHL-lah KOH-sah" in Italian.
"The beauty" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase La bella.Specifically, the feminine singular definite article lameans "the" in English. The feminine adjective/noun/pronoun bella means "beautiful, beauty" in English. The pronunciation will be "lah BEHL-lah" in Italian.
"How beautiful you are!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Come sei bella!Specifically, the exclamatory come is "how". The verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful".The pronunciation will be "KO-me sey BEL-la" in Italian.
"So beautiful!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanto bella!Specifically, the adverb tanto means "so" in this context. The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful, handsome, nice, pretty". The pronunciation will be "TAHN-toh BEHL-lah" in Italian.
Bella casa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful house".Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful". The feminine noun casatranslates as "home, house". The pronunciation will be "BEL-la KA-sa" in Italian.
Bella figlia is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "lovely daughter".Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful, lovely". The feminine noun figlia translates as "daughter". The pronunciation will be "BEL-la FEE-lya" in Italian.
Bella casa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful home".Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful". The feminine noun casa translates as "home, house". The pronunciation will be "BEHL-lah KAH-sah" in Italian.
Bella fine! is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Beautiful ending!"Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful". The feminine noun fine translates as "end, ending". The pronunciation will be "BEL-la FEE-ne" in Italian.
"Very beautiful!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Molto bella!Specifically, the adverb molto means "very". The feminine singular adjective bellatranslates as "beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, nice, pretty". The pronunciation will be "MOHL-toh BEHL-lah" in Italian.
Bella per sempre is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Forever beautiful".Specifically, the feminine singular adjective bella is "beautiful". The preposition per means "for". The adverb sempre translates as "always".The pronunciation will be "BEHL-lah pehr SEHM-prey" in Italian.
"Beautiful creature" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase bella creatura.Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful, handsome." The feminine noun creatura means "creature." The pronunciation is "BEHL-lah KREH-ah-TOO-rah."
La favorita frase di Bella is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Bella's favorite phrase".Specifically, the feminine singular definite article lais "the". The feminine adjective favorita means "favorite". The feminine noun frase means "phrase, sentence". The preposition di translates as "of".The pronunciation will be "lah FAH-voh-REE-tah FRAH-sey dee BEHL-lah" in Italian.