Sei bravo! in Italian means "You're good" in English.
"Brave" is an English equivalent of the Italian word brava.Specifically, the Italian word is the feminine form of an adjective. The pronunciation is "BRAH-vah." The masculine form, bravo, is pronounced "BRAH-voh."
"The brave one" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase il bravo.Specifically, the masculine singular definite article ilmeans "the." The masculine adjective/pronoun bravo means "brave (one)." The pronunciation is "eel BRAH-voh."
Lui è bravo is just one Italian equivalent of the phrase "He is skilful" in English.Specifically, the personal pronoun lui is "he" in English. The verb è means "is". The masculine adjective bravo translates - among many other attributes - as "skillful".The pronunciation will be "LOO-ee eh BRAH-voh" in Italian.
The name "bravo" is derived from Italian. It is commonly used in English to express approval or admiration.
bravo studente
Traduzione dall'italiano all'inglese is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Italian to English translation." The prepositional phrase translates literally into English as "translation from the Italian to the English." The pronunciation will be "TRA-doo-TSYO-ney dal-LEE-ta-LYA-no al-leen-GLEY-zey" in Italian.
Sei brava! in the feminine and Sei bravo! in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You're great!"Specifically, the verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The feminine adjective brava and the masculine bravo translate as "great". The pronunciation will be "seh-ee BRA-va" in the feminine and "seh-ee BRA-vo" in the masculine.
The English translation of the word "dizionario" is "dictionary."
Traduzione dall'inglese all'italiano is an Italian equivalent of the incomplete English phrase "English to Italian translation." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "translation from the English to the Italian" in English. The pronunciation will be "TRA-doo-TSYO-ney dal-leen-GLEY-zey al-LEE-ta-LYA-no" in Italian.
"Carolyn" in English means Carolina in Italian.