"Very dear love" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase amore molto carino.
Specifically, the masculine noun amore is "love". The adverb molto literally means "a lot, lots, much". The masculine adjective carino translates as "darling, dear, nice, pretty, sweet".
The pronunciation will be "a-MO-rey MOL-to ka-REE-no" in Italian.
"My dear friend" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase il mio caro amico.
Specifically, the masculine singular definite article ilmeans "the." The masculine possessive adjective mio means "my." The masculine adjective caro means "dear." The masculine noun amico means "(boy) friend."
The pronunciation is "eel MEE-oh KAH-roh ah-MEE-koh."
Sei da is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "You are from".Specifically, the verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The preposition da translates as "from". The pronunciation will be "say dah" in Italian.
"Are you good?" is an English equivalent of the Italian question Sei buono?Specifically, the verb sei means "(informal singular you) are." The masculine adjective buono means "good." The pronunciation is "she BWOH-noh."
Chi sei? in Italian is "Who are you?" in English.
Dove sei? is an Italian equivalent of the English question "Where are you?"Specifically, the adverb dove means "where." The present indicative verb sei translates as "(informal singular you) are." The pronunciation will be "DO-vey seh-ee" in Italian.
"Are you sure?" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Sei sicuro?Specifically, the verb sei means "(informal singular you) are." The masculine adjective sicuro means "sure." The pronunciation is "seh see-KOO-roh."
"How beautiful you are!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Come sei bella!Specifically, the exclamatory come is "how". The verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful".The pronunciation will be "KO-me sey BEL-la" in Italian.
Sei bravo! in Italian means "You're good" in English.
Sei bella! in Italian means "You're beautiful!" in English.
Tigrotta sei! in Italian means "You're a little tiger!" in English.
Perché sei arrabbiato? in Italian means "Why are you angry?" in English.
Chi sei tu? is an Italian equivalent of the English question "Who are you?"Specifically, the interrogative pronoun chi is "who". The verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The personal pronoun tu translates as "(informal singular) you".The pronunciation will be "kee seh too" in Italian.
Sei un cavallo! in Italian means "You're a horse!" in English.