"I've understood. Good evening, Beautiful" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Lo ho capito. Buona sera, Bella.
Specifically, the masculine object pronoun lo means "him, it." The auxiliary ho means "(I) have." The past participle capitomeans "understood." The feminine adjective buona means "good." The feminine noun sera means "evening." The feminine adjective/pronoun bella means "beautiful, handsome."
The pronunciation is "loh-kah-PEE-toh BWOH-nah SHE-rah BEHL-lah."
"Its beautiful Italian" is the English translation of "il suo bella italiano".
"Beautiful thing" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Bella cosa.Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful" in English. The feminine noun cosa translates as "object, thing" in English. The pronunciation will be "BEHL-lah KOH-sah" in Italian.
"Beautiful freedom!" in English is Bella libertá! in Italian.
"The beauty" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase La bella.Specifically, the feminine singular definite article lameans "the" in English. The feminine adjective/noun/pronoun bella means "beautiful, beauty" in English. The pronunciation will be "lah BEHL-lah" in Italian.
"How beautiful you are!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Come sei bella!Specifically, the exclamatory come is "how". The verb sei means "(informal singular you) are". The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful".The pronunciation will be "KO-me sey BEL-la" in Italian.
"So beautiful!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Tanto bella!Specifically, the adverb tanto means "so" in this context. The feminine adjective bella translates as "beautiful, handsome, nice, pretty". The pronunciation will be "TAHN-toh BEHL-lah" in Italian.
La bella in Italian means "the beautiful" in English.
Bella cena! in Italian is "Beautiful dinner!" in English.
"Beautiful creature" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase bella creatura.Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful, handsome." The feminine noun creatura means "creature." The pronunciation is "BEHL-lah KREH-ah-TOO-rah."
Bella casa is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful house".Specifically, the feminine adjective bella means "beautiful". The feminine noun casatranslates as "home, house". The pronunciation will be "BEL-la KA-sa" in Italian.
Sei bella! in Italian means "You're beautiful!" in English.
Sono bella! in Italian means "I'm beautiful!" in English.