Io sono lusingato in the masculine and Io sono lusingata in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I am flattered."Specifically, the pronoun io means "I." The verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The masculine adjective/past participle lusingato and the feminine lusingata mean "flattered."The pronunciation is "EE-oh SOH-noh LOO-zeen-GAH-toh" in the masculine and "EE-oh SOH-noh LOO-zeen-GAH-tah" in the feminine.
Translation: Italian » English sono piu che perfetto google translate|en|sono%20piu%20che%20perfetto
"I'm tired" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Sono stanco.Specifically, the verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The masculine adjective stanco means "tired." The pronunciation is "SOH-noh STAHN-koh."
"I'm alone" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Sono solo.Specifically, the verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The masculine adjective solo means "alone." The pronunciation is "SOH-noh SOH-loh."
"Fortunate I am!" in English is Sono fortunato! in Italian.
Sono io is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "This is me."Specifically, the verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The pronoun io means "I." The pronunciation is "SOH-noh EE-oh."
"I'm married" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Sono sposato.Specifically, the verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The masculine adjective/past participle sposato means "married." The pronunciation is "SOH-noh spoh-ZAH-toh."
Sono innamorata! in Italian means "I'm in love!" in English.
Sono tuo in Italian means "I'm yours" in English.
Sono bella! in Italian means "I'm beautiful!" in English.
Sono triste! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I am sad!"Specifically, the verb sono means "(I) am" in this context. The feminine/masculine adjective triste translates as "sad". The pronunciation will be "SOH-noh TREE-stey" in Italian.
sono così addolorata but if u mean physical is mi sono fatta tanto male