"Happy Mother's Day" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Felice giorno della madre.
Specifically, the feminine/masculine adjective felicemeans "happy." The masculine noun giorno means "day." The word della combines the preposition di with the feminine singular definite article la to mean "of the." The feminine noun madre means "mother."
The pronunciation is "feh-LEE-tcheh DJYOHR-noh DEHL-lah MAH-dreh."
"Thanks to the mother!" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase Grazie alla mama!
Specifically, the exclamation grazie is "thank you, thanks". The word alla means "to the". The feminine noun mama translates as "mom, mother".
The phrase can be quite a compliment. The speaker may say it in praise of a good-looking passerby, in essence thanking the mother for the child's attractiveness as an adult. The pronunciation will be "GRA-tsyey la MA-ma" in Italian.
Giorno felice is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "happy day."Specifically, the masculine noun giorno means "day." The feminine/masculine adjective felice means "happy." The pronunciation is "DJYOHR-noh feh-LEE-tcheh."
oh felice giorno
Felice giorno is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "happy day." The pronunciation of the feminine/masculine singular adjective and masculine singular noun will be "fey-LEE-tchey DJOR-no" in Italian.
Giorno assolato is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "sunny day".Specifically, the masculine noun giorno means "day". The masculine adjective assolatotranslates as "sunny". The pronunciation will be "DJOR-no AS-so-LA-to" in Italian.
Giorno festivo is one Italian equivalent of the English word "holiday".Specifically, the masculine noun giorno means "day". The masculine adjective festivo translates as "festive". The pronunciation will be "DJOHR-noh fey-STEE-voh" in Italian.
Splendido giorno is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "splendid day."Specifically, the masculine adjective splendido means "splendid." The masculine noun giorno translates as "day." The pronunciation will be "SPLEN-dee-do DJOR-no" in Italian.
Un giorno così in Italian means "a day like this" in English.
Buon giorno, maestro! in Italian means "Hello, teacher (or master)!" in English.
Nipote! Buon giorno! in Italian means "Good morning nephew!" in English.
"Happy St. Joseph's Day to my favorite cousin!" in English is Felice giorno di San Giuseppe per il mio cugino preferito!in Italian.
L'ultimo giorno di lavoro in Italian means "the last day of work" in English.
"The next day" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase il giorno successivo.Specifically, the masculine singular definite article ilis "the". The masculine noun giorno means "day". The masculine adjective successivo translates as "after, following, next, succeeding".The pronunciation will be "eel DJOHR-noh SOOT-tcheys-SEE-voh" in Italian.